CHIP is excited to announce that master’s student, Vinod Kumar, was selected as the UNC Graduate and Professional Student Government(GPSG) Senate Representative for the health informatics program. The GPSG mission aims to ensure that all graduate and professional students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will have a voice and have their concerns and needs met. Student senators make important decisions regarding policies, funding, and advocacy issues through discussion and consensus among members. They also award funds for events and travel. Vinod was excited to learn of his selection for the role. "I am deeply honored to serve as the representative for our program and am eager to champion the diverse voices of our students. Together, let's forge a path towards a stronger, more vibrant community where every CHIP student thrives," he said. Vinod is excited to get started and already busy planning a collaborative event for students in the near future. CHIP leadership and staff look forward to working with him in this new role.