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Natthawut (Max) Adulyanuksol

Research Interests: Visual Analytics in Healthcare, Learning Health System, and Data Model Harmonization (OHDSI OMOP, HL7 FHIR)

Saianand Balu, MSIS

Research Interests: Machine Learning Techniques for Patients Cohort Discovery, Data Modeling and Representation of Genomic Tests for Clinical Decision Support Systems, Natural Language Processing of EHR, Cancer Clinical Informatics

Advisor: Javed Mostafa, MA, PhD

Email: sai@unc.edu

Abhishek (Abhi) Bhatia, MS

Research Interests: Climate and Health; Health Data Linkage; Clinical Informatics; Causal Inference; Statistical Learning; Geospatial Analysis; Network Analysis; Humanitarian Crises; Data Privacy

Publications: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=6w1ycdoAAAAJ&hl=en

Email: abhatia@unc.edu

Vincent N. Carrasco, MSIS, MD

Advisor: Javed Mostafa, MA, PhD

Email: vcarrasc@email.unc.edu

Amy Cole, MS, MPS

Research Interests: human-computer interaction, health literacy, cognitive ergonomics, vocal biomarkers, and patient-centered care. Current research focuses on bringing the patient and caregiver's perspective into the development of eHealth tools to empower them to make informed healthcare decisions

Publications: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9478-6005

Email: amy_cole@med.unc.edu

Leyu Dai

Research Interests: Health informatics; Data Science; Bioinformatics; Clinical Data Analysis.

Email: leyudai@unc.edu

John Geracitano

Research Interests: Digital Health Equity, Geospatial Disparities/Analysis, Health Literacy

Email: johngera@unc.edu

Mohammad Golam “Kibria”

Research Interests: ML-driven risk assessment tool; Model explainability and fairness; Routine data quality, use, and system evaluation

Email: kibria@ad.unc.edu

Elizabeth Kwong

Research Interests: development, evaluation, and implementation of health technology tools, patient safety, human factors engineering, quality improvement, human-computer interactions, usability evaluation, implementation science

Advisor: Lukasz Mazur, PhD

Email: ekwong@unc.edu

Adam Lee, MBA

Research Interests: Data Quality

Advisor: Stanley C. Ahalt, PhD

Email: aml14@email.unc.edu

Corey Mercy, MBA

Research Interests: precision public health, consumer health informatics, health policy, technology adoption, social determinants of health, machine learning, and information systems

Email: cmercy@email.unc.edu

Thanaphop Na Nakhonphanom

Research Interests: Health Informatics, FHIR, Standards and Interoperability

Publications: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1062-8104

Email: thanapna@unc.edu

Matt Robinson

Research Interests: Allergy Sensitization and Panel Design

Ashlyn Zebrowski, MS

Research Interests: Patient and Clinician Experience​, Health Behaviors​, Virtual / Augmented / Mixed Reality, and User Design and Interaction