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The Master of Professional Science in Biomedical and Health Informatics program requires a total of 35 credit hours of coursework.

Students will gain experience in core concepts of informatics including basic programming skills, manipulating data in diverse health care contexts and building new tools and methods for extracting insights from health data.


CHIP 490-335: Introduction to Programming (3 credit hours)

Introduction to programming and computational concepts. Students will learn to write programs using constructs such as iteration, flow control, variables, functions, and error handling. No programming experience required.


CHIP 490-297: Database Systems in Healthcare (3 credit hours)

Design and implementation of database systems. Semantic modeling, relational database theory; normalization, query construction, and SQL.

Available online (synchronous) and face-to-face.


CHIP 490-296: Systems Analysis (3 credit hours)

Systems approach to the design and development of information systems; methods and tools for system and data modeling.

Available online (synchronous) and face-to-face.


General Informatics Core Elective (3 credit hours total)

Choose From:
CHIP 490 - 309 Quality Improvement in Data Visualization in Healthcare (3 credit hours)
CHIP 490 - 310 Data Analytics in Healthcare (1.5 credit hours)
CHIP 490 - 314 Quality Improvement and Lean Six Sigma (3 credit hours)
Other options available; offerings and mode variable each semester

Students will be exposed to the foundational concepts in biomedical and health informatics.  This coursework will provide perspective and framework to address health care issues through data extraction, analysis, and visualization.


CHIP 725 - Electronic Health Records (3 credit hours)

Focuses on EHR data standards with emphasis on data management requirements, applications, and services. Course includes HL7, CCHIT, and CDISC standards. For data management specialists, administrators, and health data analysts.

Available online (synchronous).


CHIP 490-291: US Healthcare Systems (3 credit hours)

This core course is designed to provide students with an overview of the structure, systems, and policies of health care delivery in the United States. The goal is to increase students' knowledge and abilities to analyze and address health care issues from both management and policy perspectives.

Available face-to-face and online (synchronous).


Biomedical and Health Informatics Foundations Elective (2 credit hours)

Recommended Elective:

CHIP 770 - Health Informatics Seminar (1 credit hour)

This series explores key areas in Health Informatics and includes research results, overview of programs of research and evaluative projects. Speakers with extensive informatics experiences and knowledge from both academia and industry are invited to present.

Available online and face-to-face. Can be taken twice in 2 different semesters.

Other Elective Options
Choose From:
CHIP 490-307 (3 credit hours) - Human Factors in Healthcare
CHIP 690-295 (3 credit hours) - Foundations of Clinical Data Science
CHIP 690 -001 (3 credit hours) - Introduction to Statistical Analysis in Healthcare (offered summer only)
Other options available; offerings and mode variable each semester


Two of the most notable differences between a Master of Science (MS) and a Master of Professional Science (MPS) are the business skills courses and the internship. These professional components of the program enable the development of workplace skills valued by top employers.  Courses are focused on leadership, teamwork, communication, project management, and strategy skills.


Business Electives (6 credit hours total)

Examples (Offerings and mode variable each semester):
CHIP 490 - 314  Quality Improvement and Lean Six Sigma (3 credit hours)
CHIP 400 - 001  Digital Health Innovation and Impact (1.5 credit hours)
Project Management: Strategy and Applications
Management for Information Professionals
Professional Communication
Leadership in the Workplace
Team Collaboration

This track is for students interested in the application of informatics and information technology to deliver healthcare services. Ideal track for any health professional such as: dentists, pharmacists, physicians, nurses, or other health professionals. Clinical Informatics is concerned with information use in health care by clinicians.


NURS 870 - Applied Health Informatics in Complex Health Care Systems (3 credit hours)

The course focuses on the concepts relevant to health care informatics, the use of computerized information systems, and the use of computer applications to support clinical and administrative decision-making.

Available online.


Clinical Informatics Elective (3 credit hours)

Examples (Offerings and mode variable each semester):
INLS 613 Text Mining (3 credits)
INLS 625 Information Analytics (3 credits)
INLS 642 Data Mining (3 credits)
INLS 718 User Interface Design (3 credits)
INLS 777 Perspectives on Information, Technology, and People (3 credits)


This track is for students with specific career interest in applications of information systems in population health and public health policy.


HPM 620 - Implementing Health Informatics Initiatives (3 credit hours)

This course provides students with tools to facilitate effective implementation and support of health informatics initiatives within organizations. Students will learn about potential benefits of various informatics initiatives (e.g., electronic health records, laboratory reporting, patient portals) and implementation challenges for different types of organizations (e.g., hospitals, physician practices, health departments).

Available online.


Public Health Informatics Elective (3 credit hours)

Examples (Offerings and mode variable each semester):
CHIP 490 - 333 Intro to Public Health Informatics (3 credits)
HPM 671  Statistical Methods for Health Policy and Management (3 credits)
PUBH 711 Critical Issues in Global Health (3 credits)
PUBH 714  Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation of Global Health Programs (3 credits)
PUBH 760  001 Clinical Measurement and Evaluation (3 credits)


CHIP 793 - Health Informatics Internship (3 credit hours)

An MPS internship is a planned, individualized, mentored, evaluated, experiential learning opportunity that serves as a bridge between academic training and non-academic practice. It is equivalent to 300 contact hours.

To be completed online or face-to-face.
