Other important dates:  

Dissertation Writing Bootcamp

Bootcamp is a week-long opportunity offered by the Writing Center for students currently writing dissertations to set writing goals, practice disciplined writing habits, learn new strategies, and connect with other dissertation writers. Register here for this camp.

Course Development Institute for Graduate Students

Are you teaching a course for the first time as an instructor of record? Have you taught before and want to revise or refresh the content? This workshop will use Backward Course Design to assist instructors on developing a syllabus, … Continued

Survive and Thrive: A New TA Institute

As a graduate student, being assigned a Teaching Assistant role for the first time–or with an expanded set of TA responsibilities–can feel daunting. This institute provides graduate students with functional skills central to their success in their TA roles. Sessions … Continued

Ethics in the Classroom

The intent of this workshop is to provide graduate student TA’s guidance and practical approaches to maintain integrity in their teaching practices, identify and address their own implicit biases, and key aspects of FERPA. The workshop will be interactive and … Continued


Instructor: Alison Blaine, Data Visualization Specialist at Red Hat This course explains how to clean and analyze textual data using R, including both raw and structured texts. It will cover multiple hands-on approaches to getting data into R, focusing on techniques … Continued

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