Paper Alert : The Acceptability of Text Messaging to Help African American Women Manage Anxiety and Depression: Cross-Sectional Survey Study

February 3, 2020

CHIP PhD Candidate, Terika McCall with advisor Dr. Saif Khairat, recently published paper in JMIR Mental Health- The Acceptability of Text Messaging to Help African American Women Manage Anxiety and Depression: Cross-Sectional Survey Study.


CHIP PhD Student Ashley Griffin Awarded NC TraCS Pilot Grant

January 23, 2020

CHIP PhD student Ashley Griffin, MPH was recently awarded a NC TraCS Pilot Grant on her research topic: A Conversational Agent to Support Hypertension Medication Self-Management.


CHIP PhD Student, Alex Rich – Research on the Opioid Crisis in the United States

December 18, 2019

Alex Rich is a third year Health Informatics PhD student researching pharmaceutical manufacturer influence in American healthcare.  His work in visual analysis and communication is heavily influenced by his previous career as a special operations pilot and crash investigator.  His projects seek to bring some of the intuitive visual displays of the cockpit into the world of healthcare.


Paper Alert: Using Safety Barrier Analysis to Facilitate Quality Improvement in Health Care: Improving Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis as a Proof of Concept

July 11, 2019

A new paper co-authored by Dr. Carlton Moore and Dr. G. Cameron Coleman: Using Safety Barrier Analysis to Facilitate Quality Improvement in Health Care: Improving Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis as a Proof of Concept. Click here to find out more…


Manish Kumar, CHIP Doctoral Student, Invited to Global South eHealth Observatory Conference

June 3, 2019

Carolina Health Informatics doctoral student, Manish Kumar, MPH, has been invited as a guest speaker to the 2019 Global South eHealth Observatory Conference being held on July 1, 2019 in Lavaur, Tarn in France.