Cole’s Presentation Wins Award

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Amy Cole presenting at Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making

Congratulations to CHIP Doctoral Student, Amy Cole, who won the Anne Stiggelbout Award for outstanding presentation in patient and stakeholder preferences and engagement at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making. Amy’s dissertation research is working to develop a values-clarification tool for adults with advanced cancers.  Her work focuses on the communication between clinical providers and their patients and understanding how tailoring patient reported health information can impact patient-centered care.  When there is a patient-clinician disagreement this could indicate a need for providers to better understand patient values and what is of most value to their patient. Amy is developing decision support tools to help answer this question and estimate the quality of values that are clarified based on the tool used.  She is engaging patients, families, and clinicians in this process.  Amy is passionate about patient-centered care that results in better patient-centered outcomes.