Health care today is one of the largest parts of the US economy, reaching approximately 2 trillion dollars in 2011. A significant proportion of the cost, about 1 in 3 dollars, goes to service administrative overhead and not directly to the provision of care. It is also the case that about 80% of the people in the nation's patient pool do not have electronic health records. Experts believe that by applying information technology more effectively cost of care can be reduced and quality of care can be improved. Hence, there is a strong push now at many levels in our society for smarter usage of IT and engaging IT personnel in health care. These are the broad motivating factors for the Health Information technology focus of the new Carolina Health Informatics Program (CHIP) at UNC.

The Carolina Health Informatics Program offers students of varied backgrounds from Medicine to Computer Science specialized training that will enable them to succeed in various health technology information careers as well as contribute to improving healthcare. We hope to train the future leaders of this emerging and innovative field.


Degree Programs

CHIP offers a number of training programs designed to meet career goals of students and working professionals.

Master of Professional Science in BMHI

PhD in Health Informatics