Abhishek (Abhi) Bhatia

PhD Student

Return to People




Emily Pfaff, PhD


M.S. – Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

B.A., B.S. – University of California, Berkeley


Climate and Health; Health Data Linkage; Clinical Informatics; Causal Inference; Statistical Learning; Geospatial Analysis; Network Analysis; Humanitarian Crises; Data Privacy




Abhi’s dissertation research focuses on combining disparate data sources to estimate the effects of environmental and climate exposures on individual health. To do this, he applies computational methods in statistical learning, causal inference, spatiotemporal analysis, and networks analysis to large-scale clinical, demographic, and geospatial data. Secondarily, he is interested in issues of human rights, data privacy, and ethics.

In his role as a Graduate Research Assistant at UNC under Dr. Emily Pfaff, he conducts target trial emulations with real-world data to assess the comparative effectiveness of clinical interventions as part of the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) and NIH RECOVER Initiative. With Dr. Barbara Entwisle at the Carolina Population Center, he applies methods in computational demography to examine the potential of electronic health record data to inform research on population mobility dynamics.

Outside CHIP, Abhi also serves as Research Scientist at CrisisReady at Harvard University and Direct Relief, where he combines clinical data, field survey data, and novel mobility data for equitable crisis response in the context of the Syrian War, Floods in India, and broader pandemic preparedness.